6 October 2007

First Meeting

Last friday we had our first meeting and we took some important decisions:

  1. Give the different roles depending on our backgrounds and preferences
  2. See how we are going to approach the problem of achieving a social bookmarking
  3. Restricting everything we decided based on Mexico D.F as the location where we will be operating
  4. Deciding when to meet again
We had some problems based on schedules, so we have decided to make a small summary with the idea that each of us have and then trying to defending against the other, so we will see what are the good and bad points of each and reach a better conclussion.

Keep in contact

Hello everyone!
We want to give you a warm welcome to our blog. :-D In it you will find how a group work is done in a real situation and how our meetings to solve found problems have been.
We hope to help anyone with the same problems and that also you give us ideas on how to solve things if you know it. So feedback is always welcome!!!

At the end of January we hope that we reach an answer to the main question of this blog: How do we pass SE-III? Give us you opinion too

Until next post
The Team members