26 January 2008

End of the project

Hello People

As you can see the project and these last 4 months have finished and we have to begin new projects and meet new challenges.

The one most of us is now engaged in is delivering the network computers II asignments, but that's another story.

We will let you know who won the competition.


Blue Team

23 January 2008

Amazing video about the Wii

One of my friends sent me this link the other day with the subject PICK YOUR JAW AFTER WATCHING IT. At first I though he was crazy, but really I had to do it, because if you can think a little, just a little outside the box, you can do cool things like this:

Amazing, isn't it??
Well that was all, but If you want to know more things about what you can do with a wii, you should visit the web page of that guy.



21 January 2008

We have finished!!

Hello people:

Tonight I have great news, at least for us and I hope that also for our customer. As of 21:00 of today we have finished the project un.linkito.no.mx!!!!!!!!!!! with good comments that have left us with a good taste and feeling proud of ourselves.

So, if you are a company and looking for software engineerings, contact us, we already have experience !!! LOL

We only have to send again the last document with some correction typos, but that will take 10 minutes at most, so we are really really glad we have finished, because the effort was great and having to work in a software project with 5 other people is really demanding just in itself, so imagine doing it while at the same time you are doing other jobs totally different.

Anyway, we are really really happy and we can say that we have learnt a lot of things that are not only on the texts and standards, and I think that's the most important knowledge that you can get.

Apart from all that emotional stuff, also we had to grade our team members, I don't know how my team graded me (please, please, I think I have been a good project manager) but I can say that in general I am quite happy with my team and personally I think I have done a good job, okay I can be a little bossy but I like doing the things good.

Besides all that, I can inform you that the session on thursday will be in the university at 18h (don't know the place yet) and it will verse about what the IT companies are doing and what they are looking for (I think, if not, please correct me).

So on thursday night I will try to post a summary about the conference.

Keep safe and in touch


20 January 2008

Searching in the Internet

Hello people!

While I am supposed to be studying, I have been searching in the Internet, and i have found two cool things.

The first is a video, that explains what is the agile software development, the presentation is so simple that's great and also very calm, so I really like it and besides that, I think this is something simmilar to what is being developed nowadays.
Here it is:

And second I have found a great pic that shows how the software development works within a team. I hope you like it.
And now I go back to study

