New month, new deliverable!
Hello everyone, to celebrate the beginning of December, the christmas month, we have begun a new deliverable in our project. This time, it its the DDD or detailed design document. As we have the components and operations of the ADD more or less clear (waiting for a review). We have been able to separate the workload between the members of the team more or less equally.
WE are going to have 57 components in this new document; because we have decided to create a document for each operation in the interfaces of the ADD (basically we are using a great granularity with this component). This way the codification of the components should be easy and straigh forward, although I don't think the programmers would love us, anyway. LOL
Apart from the deliverable, we are thinking about a new milestone in our schedule. WE have to do a SELLING of our project instead of an audit. So we are thinking which things to explain and how to do it. Hope we reach and understanding and make a good impression.
Anyway, that's all for today.
Keep in contact.
1 December 2007
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28 November 2007
Changes in the ADD
Yesterday was a SW engineering full day for me. Making the changes, creating the data model, drawing the diagrams again, checking that everything was right; took me all day long until 2 a.m.
But the worst of all were the CAPTIONS, I hate the captions; because if you have to add something in the middle, you have to change all the captions below you.
I know that latex do it, but we are using a MWord 2003 template, so we can't use latex and it drives me crazy.
Anyway finally I ended the document, and all was dandy; but this morning I had to check it out again because some sorting in the structure and there you go again....
So now I have just sent it to the customer, and I really hope that he is happy with it, becuase changing a 80 pages document in only one day it's stressfull to say little.
A good point is that the other document, the briefing is already finished and reviewed; and the DDD has begun to be done.
So in summary...I just need some holidays; sadly I am not going to get them :-(
This is the life of a SW engineer (at least in the university, that I know). But from a real perspective, this link associated is quite funny; you should check it out.
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26 November 2007
ADD Review Results
Hello everyone! This evening we had a fast review of our ADD, and we are not very happy with it, because we have to make a lot of changes, it's true that most of all it's changing the structure and renaming the things, but adding that to creating a data model is going to take time (and mostly we don't have much free time left).
Anyway, tomorrow we have a meeting to make most of the changes and delegate the different tasks of the DDD. Hence, we are a little bit stressed with the workload. Besides that, tomorrow is also the team deadline to deliver the briefing work of each member, so we can review before sending it on thursday to the customer.
Apart from that, everything keeps as planned; and we still think that we are doing a good job; so we can be happy with that. And this is a fundamental aspect in the job life of everyone, if you are happy, you work better.
So be happy, my friends LOL
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25 November 2007
Second Stage of Final Deliveries
We have sent the final versions of the URD and SRD to the customer, as with the SPO, CPD, SCMP and SQAP; he must tell us if they have been approved or not.
If they pass, then we are following our schedule and we should not have many problems with keeping a day or so ahead schedule, otherwise I think we are going to be in a huge problem; because the design stage depends on the analysis and if the first one fails, a 'snow-ball' is going to follow with the rest of the work.
Another interesting topic, is that the customer asked 'very nicely' if we could write a briefing on the project, that means how the project is going; with a due date of this week; so obviously our plans have changed and they will appear in the next BPR document.
But I think we have divide the work nicely, becuase it's important all the POVs of the members, so we have decide to explain the project to the customer from each perspective. We will have to wait for his opinion regarding this matter.
Keep checking for updates.
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