29 October 2007

Formal English grammar review!!

This evening we had another review done to our deliverable, in this case the SQAP. Usually is Juanmi the one that tries and in most cases throws the mistakes we have done in our faces (remembering the first review); but today it was a native english speaker...
This creates a problem for us, 'cos we are not native english, so we write as best as we can the english expressions. This session has made us realise this.
It is a good thing, mind you, because if we want to work abroad and we have to write reports or papers, we must know these things. But as always, we have to suck up our pride and ego.

So we will try harder next time.



Onairam said...

I wouldn't be so hard with her. I think she did her best, but I'm afraid that was not enough. I know she only found mistakes about our use of English, but she didn't focus on what we expected, the format of the document. However, I don't know if there is common criteria to correct our deliverables, since those depend on the person who reviews our document. That is something we should be wary of their correcting criteria.



Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Yes, I agree with the comment and also the post. The brilliant thing of both approaches is that both format and content are now addressed.

For sure we are not native speakers, but precisely that is why having a real English review shows light on how we can improve. This is the final overall goal.

Keep up with the good work,