23 November 2007

Architecture Discussion

Hey I know today I am posting a lot of things, but now I have the time. Also this post is about yesterday.

As the application is a web one, we though that a C/S architecture was the best option, and based on what we learned last year we though that our design was a 3-Tier architecture, but yesterday we learnt that it is not a 3-Tier but a 2-Tier. Also, that although the client is part of the architecture, we don't have to refer the client as a component of the architecture because the client is only viewing the code the server is sending.
So the presentation layer is inside the server and it generates the html code for the client.

After that discussion, we have to make changes on the ADD, basically taking out the client component as explained, and other things.

Thinking, we also discussed not to begin the DDD after we have at least a more or less stable version of the ADD with one review, because if we have to make lots of changes in the ADD then the work already done in the DDD would be lost or it could be inconsistent with the changes on the ADD.

So that's what yesterday was about.

We will post our new issues in another moment.


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