7 December 2007

Elevator Pitch

Hello people!
While looking for information about elevator pitch in order to do a good job next thursday; I found this great web page. It is a summary of a whole book about this topic: Elevator Pitch 101.

In it an idea that I found quite interesting and that it changed what I though about what I had to prepare is:
One reason why so many people deliver completely ineffective elevator pitches is they don’t understand the purpose of an elevator pitch. They act like the purpose of an elevator pitch is to close the deal while in truth the purpose of an elevator pitch is to just interest The Audience in continuing to talk.
No more, and no less.

So now, that I know that important topic I can concentrate on what to tell following the rule of the 8 Cs:

  1. Concise: Few words but to the point.
  2. Clear:use non-technical expressions, acronyms... explain to a 3 years old (ok 5 is also valid, haha)
  3. Compelling: explain the problem to solve, why is a problem and who are the final users
  4. Credible: why we can solve the problem; merits, etc.
  5. Conceptual: what the system is doing
  6. Concrete: specific met goals and what has been done (very briefly)
  7. Customized: addressed to the public
  8. Consistent: don't create misunderstandings
So in those 2-3 minutes we have to convey all that infomation.. the question is how will we do it?

The answer on Thursday night.

Thanks and Cheers


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