Goodnight people!!
Although it was supposed to be known the winner of the competition the 25th of January, that knowledge is not known as of yet. But that's not the point of this post.
Today as I was checking possible subjects to take this new semester, I realised that the second part of the subject that gave us the idea of this blog, Informatic Systems, has a crazy schedule.
I explain.
As you have seen during the last four months we have developed a bookmarking system. The development process took care of the analysis, design and the planning of the tests of the system. Well Informatic Systems (call it IS) will be develop another system but taking care of the analysis, design, test and implementation following the standard of the ESA called ESA Light, is a simpler version of the full ESA standard (the one we followed in
That in itself, is no problem at all, but the thing is that we, the people in the bilingual course, has to do it in half the time that the normal course has, that's 2 months!!!!! 2 F****ING MONTHS!!! (it's not the insult, check the number of letters)
I imagine that the schedule has been planned, but I hope is not the same project because there is no human way that the same can be done in 2 months, while it can be but I think we need sleep also.
That's all. It's just I have seen that and I didn't believe it.
30 January 2008
Astounding news!!!
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26 January 2008
End of the project
Hello People
As you can see the project and these last 4 months have finished and we have to begin new projects and meet new challenges.
The one most of us is now engaged in is delivering the network computers II asignments, but that's another story.
We will let you know who won the competition.
Blue Team
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23 January 2008
Amazing video about the Wii
One of my friends sent me this link the other day with the subject PICK YOUR JAW AFTER WATCHING IT. At first I though he was crazy, but really I had to do it, because if you can think a little, just a little outside the box, you can do cool things like this:
Amazing, isn't it??
Well that was all, but If you want to know more things about what you can do with a wii, you should visit the web page of that guy.
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21 January 2008
We have finished!!
Hello people:
Tonight I have great news, at least for us and I hope that also for our customer. As of 21:00 of today we have finished the project!!!!!!!!!!! with good comments that have left us with a good taste and feeling proud of ourselves.
So, if you are a company and looking for software engineerings, contact us, we already have experience !!! LOL
We only have to send again the last document with some correction typos, but that will take 10 minutes at most, so we are really really glad we have finished, because the effort was great and having to work in a software project with 5 other people is really demanding just in itself, so imagine doing it while at the same time you are doing other jobs totally different.
Anyway, we are really really happy and we can say that we have learnt a lot of things that are not only on the texts and standards, and I think that's the most important knowledge that you can get.
Apart from all that emotional stuff, also we had to grade our team members, I don't know how my team graded me (please, please, I think I have been a good project manager) but I can say that in general I am quite happy with my team and personally I think I have done a good job, okay I can be a little bossy but I like doing the things good.
Besides all that, I can inform you that the session on thursday will be in the university at 18h (don't know the place yet) and it will verse about what the IT companies are doing and what they are looking for (I think, if not, please correct me).
So on thursday night I will try to post a summary about the conference.
Keep safe and in touch
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20 January 2008
Searching in the Internet
Hello people!
While I am supposed to be studying, I have been searching in the Internet, and i have found two cool things.
The first is a video, that explains what is the agile software development, the presentation is so simple that's great and also very calm, so I really like it and besides that, I think this is something simmilar to what is being developed nowadays.
Here it is:
And second I have found a great pic that shows how the software development works within a team. I hope you like it.
And now I go back to study
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19 January 2008
Finishing the project
Hello People!!
Today, ColourTeam or Blue Team as you prefer, has delivered the final versions of the STD and the SVVP, but that's not all because we have also delivered the last BPR (the fifth) and the PHD the last document of the project.
We just have to check on Monday the PHD and we will be finished with the project During the fourth months that the group has worked together, we have had good times, bad ones, exasperant ones and also funny ones.
I think that you must keep the good ones and learn from the bad ones so you can try to avoid them in the future. Also I am happy because now we know a whole methodology that is used in the european union and we can look a project from different points of views and be prepared and also predict what the other can wait or need.
I will post something else tomorrow or on monday, because on thursday there is going to be a conference about software, I think, that we are going to go; so if someone wants the details I will have them on Monday and post them.
Thank you all
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17 January 2008
NEWS: MySQL has been sold!!!
Hello all
I forgot to say that in class we have known that Sun had bought MySQL and as I was curious, I have begun searching the web and I have found some interesting web pages where it is explained, as I know that some of the readers of this blog speak Spanish I put two links, one for the english speakers and another for the spanish ones:
What I have not found is the name of hte now Sun property MySQL, because they will probably change the name (stupid thing because everyone knows it as MySQL, but that's only my opinion). So if someone knows it, please tell us in a comment.
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1 comentarios
STD Review and class discussion
Hello bloggers:
The final day is coming... this appear like a B-serie movie, but it's true, there is only one week left to know whose blog will win, if any (please, please there must be one). We are keeping our spirits hight, but also we know that we must work in it, so today we post an interesting post (haha, it rimes).
Anyway, after that monologue, today we had class (only 2 left) and we review the STD (Software Transfer Document). In it we explained the tests that have been performed (as there is no implementation, there are none), the build procedures (variables and requirements that once the system runs, it is going to need from the development point of view) and some summary about the changes and request done by the customer during the 4 months project.
That's great if not boring, but what in our case was really important and it took time, was the user manual, it was great because we used mexican expressions and really cool captions on the prototype. So we are really happy that our customer liked this part.
Another thing , if you remember I posted a discussion about the new version of the office (if not click here) and in class as one of the groups had a problem with the version of the office, that post was discussed ( I AM HAPPY HAPPY THAT SOMEONES READS THIS BLOG) and basically most people thought as me, that it has not been a good update. SO I 'd like to know what people think about that.
Also this weekend we are going to deliver the PHD(Project History Document) and the last BPR, and then we are done, also as I am the project manaager I have the tasks of the finantial issue, and I am happy to inform everyone that we have overspend only 97€ (Overspend is no great, but we have only past our budget of 42,000€ in 97€ so that's quite good for a first time project)
That's all, wait until the next post
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14 January 2008
Today session!!
Hello bloggers:
This evening we have had a different kind of session in our class of SE3 (software engineering 3). The class was divided in two parts:
- A brief (okay, not so brief there were 68 slides) about CMM and Web 2.0 and 3.0 (semantical Web).
- A discussion about a real case regarding the company T-systems and the outsourcing development.
Now we know that if we want to earn lots of money and we don't mind doing boring stuff, we can work in the CMM world, and that people think that Web 2.0 and 3.0 is the future of Internet.
Ohh another important aspect: if you don't have a Linkedin profile, what are ou waiting for??? I have already mine and also a facebook, a myspace, a flicker, and a lot more profiles and accounts in web 2.0 applications.
Yes, I am a little bit friky, but I am also a computer science engineer (ok, almost one), so I am entitle to be so. (The first step in every addition is to understand that you have a problem, hahaa)
That's all for tonight
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12 January 2008
Deliverables and Job offer!!!
Hello people!!!
Today we have delivered the STD (that now that I think about it, it's not a good acronym because it has another and more famous meaning), and the fourth BPR without any problems.
The second draft of the SVVP is also going to be delivered tonight, but we are checking that the format of all the tables are consistent between each other. But hopefully, we won't have any problems with it.
Another topic, today while I was reading the newspaper (the digital one), I found a interesting new (click here): the president of google spain and portugal has left her job (it doesn't specify the reason). I find it quite shocking because of 2 things:
- First, the president was a spanish woman (yay!! for us)
- Second, she was or is one of the most powerfull business woman nowadays.
There have been 2 surveys: one for the general degree (spanish and english) and another one only for the bilingual group (us). In the general one there have been lots of problems and these last days a huge discussion about the vote system arose.
Anyway, what I tried to say it's that in the bilingual group we haven't had that problem because we have kept the developed system that we follow in the SE3 course: each one votes what he/she thinks in a hierarchical way. Also if someone had some problems it was explained and then a decision was taken.
So, please if something like this happens again, follow our system, it's better and less painful for everyone :-D
Thanks to everyone
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11 January 2008
Disastrous SVVP Review!!!
This evening (well, yesterday evening, at this time) we had the review of the SVVP or the document where the tests procedures are explained.
If you remember (if not, then go back to the week before christmas), the week where we had to deliver the SVVP was really stressfull, because we had the huge review of the DDD, the selling, the audit and the SVVP.
Finally we passed all but the SVVP, we have to make changes in a 20% of the document, mostly changes regarding the naming convention of the elements in the data model. We have to deliver the reviewed version this saturday, and also on saturday we have to deliver the STD and the BPR, but as those two are finished since a week ago, I think we are going to do a good job this time.
So, we have reached a conclussion, that although with this project now we are not going to have to face again, it's a good one that probably will be with us for the rest of our career: in stress time, take it easy and solve the arguments before they reach the conflict stage, 'cos a project is not worth it.
Take care and keep in touch, probably on saturday a entry will be posted.
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9 January 2008
We have passed: Congratulate us!!!
According to our secret source (the X man of X' files), this blog has passed to the final phase of the blog competition!
So we thank everyone who thinks that we are good enough to pass, and for those who doesn't, then we will try harder in this new stage.
We also want to say that we are sorry for those groups that have not passed: guys you are great, don't worry you are in our minds!!! this is our farewell to all of you
Keep working hard, and as Henry Ford said:
If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
Thanks to everyone
Blue Team
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