11 December 2007

Huge Review of the DDD

Hello everyone:

Yesterday we had a meeting with our customer about the DDD or Detailed Design Document, and as predicted the complaints were important. Although the problems can be summarized in 3 points:

  • The interfaces field is required
  • The data field is required
  • The data model must appear, becuase the implementer can not have access to the ADD.
Our opinion and reasoning behind our decision was that we have granularity zero in our components, so each component is an operation (to make life easier) and that the data and interface aspect appeared on the ADD. But as the customer is the one that commands our actions, then we must follow his premises.

So as we had 57 components, and at the same time we have to develop the SVVP or Test document and also prepare a selling; we have divide the work into two groups:

  • First group: Make the changes of the DDD based on what the customer wants.
  • Second group: Develop the test document.
  • Already done: The presentation of the selling is already prepared and divide the presentation tasks between the members.

With this delegation of the work we are going to try to do everything the customer expects us to do; without creating a risk situation in our planning; to avoid putting a contigence plan into action.

In general we have to deliver the DDD on a saturday (we are planning finishing it tomorrow or thursday the latest) and the Test on Monday morning the latest; but we are hopefull that with our hard work, everything will have a good outcome.

Besides that, on thursday we will tell how the selling and elevator pitch went; wish us luck



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