9 December 2007

Reflection exercise about the whole project

At this point in the development of the project, we can say that we are almost finished with it, or at least, that the most complex and time consumming part is done.
That does not imply that we are going to begin being lazy about it, but now we have a clear idea of the project and the documents left are a recompilation of the work done up to this moment.

It's true that everything can fall down, but I don't think so, because if we have worked hard all these weeks(10), then we are not going to let everything go down the river in the 4 weeks left.

My general idea of the project is that we have realized that not everything is 'pink' or ideal; and that we must take responsabilities of our actions, and also if we are working in a group we have to be there for the others and left the differences apart. That does not mean that we don't have an opinion, it's more I know that I am stubborn sometimes; but when if you explain your opinions giving proofs and reasons, it's okay and an agreement is reached.

Another important aspect that this project has shown me; it's that a document TAKES HOURS and hours and hard work. And that a simple thing like a dot in a document means more that what I though it could mean.

So we will see how it goes, now that we begin the last part of the project, because we have done 75% of the project and time.

But up to this moment, I am quite content with the work done.


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